Employers, Owners, Managers, Supervisors and Safety Committee Members
You are invited to attend “Workplace Inspections” at Rural Action Centres across the Province.
These FREE Workers Compensation Board of PEI two-hour sessions will introduce the components of effective workplace inspections. Inspections are a planned comprehensive walk-through of an entire area of the workplace. The goal is to identify potential hazards in a given scenario and be proactive in order to prevent incidents. What to look for and what to do when a hazard is identified will be reviewed and discussed.
Please register for a Workplace Inspections session at the Rural Action Centre (RAC) location of your choice by 12:00 noon the day before the session:
Souris RAC – 15 Green Street, Souris, PEI
Thursday June 15 at 10:00 a.m.
Valerie Flynn, email: [email protected]; tel: 902-687-4084