Mayor JoAnne Dunphy has called a Special Meeting of Souris Town Council – Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 12:00pm to review and decide upon a few items that would delay progress if we have to wait until our June meeting which is not scheduled until June 14th.

Agenda Items will include:  (no additions to the Agenda are permitted at a Special Meeting)

  1. Awarding of Tender for Heartwood Development. (2 tenders were received and opened Friday, May 21st at 2:00pm, engineer will review bids received and make recommendation)
  2. Review and decide on request from SHAI to dump contaminated soil from harbour dredging project on old dump site property in St. Catherines owned by the Town of Souris.
  3. Review and decide on request from Amber & Jordon Dennis(Jenkins) for special permission to put 3 campers on their Breakwater St property (previous Lot 45 Restaurant) for purposes of providing accommodations to Dredging company workers.
  4. Request for letter of support from Amber & Jordon Dennis for Liquor License.
  5. Review computer generated rendering of proposed fence for Leading Edge Group Development as per condition of permit.

As always, our meetings are to be open to the public unless under special approved circumstances as approved by the Municipal Government Act.