During the next couple of months the Town of Souris will be working on it’s 2024/25 Budget. Our next fiscal year runs from April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025.
MONDAY, March 18th, 7:00pm Town Council will hold a 2024/25 Budget Planning Meeting.
WEDNESDAY, March 27th, 7:00pm Town Council will hold a meeting to approve their 2024/25 Budget.
Do you have any ideas of services or infrastructure you would like to be considered for our Municipality? If so, you can reach out to either our Mayor, JoAnne Dunphy or one of our current Council members: Deputy Mayor, Boyd Leard, Councillors, David Jenkins, Kim Outhouse, Curtis Laybolt, Stephanie Mitsuk, or Frankie Chaisson.
Our next regular meeting of Souris Town Council is Monday, March 11, 2024 at 7:00pm. The public is always Welcome to attend.
Some of our main Budget Categories include: Streets & Sidewalks, Water & Sewer Utility, Fire Protection, Police Protection, General Administration, Town Maintenance, Special Events & Town Promotion, Souris Beach Gateway Park, Parks & Recreation, Emergencies Measures Operations, Tourism, Economic Growth, Town Buildings/Properties, Town Beautification and Planning & Development.